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Wet Pleasures 2


A片類型:無碼DVD 1片


上架時間:2022-09-30 發行日:2021-07-16

品番1:NBF-08057 品番2:ID3442

AV分類:女同性戀 歐美系列


AV女優:TiffanyTatum JessieSaint ShonaRiver JadeBaker MonaBlue BernieSvintis CaseyNohrman

價  格:30

購買數量: 1

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Once upon a time, Jade and Jessie got together for a wild night of passion. They're hanging out by the pool one morning, as Jade reminisces about that night and contemplates how much she still wants Jessie.

Casey and Bernie have plans to go out on a date but they end up staying in. Their kisses and caresses result in their clothes being pushed aside. Casey curls up between Bernie's thighs with her tongue acting like a homing beacon for Bernie's clit.

Mona and Tiffany plan for a girls night in and dress in their favorite lingerie. Laying on the bed, Mona watches Tiffany at their vanity. She can't keep from rubbing her own pussy and breasts as she waits for Tiffany to join her.

Mona Blue and Shona River are ready for a lovely afternoon in together. They enjoy a glass of wine before setting aside their glasses. It turns out that neither of them has an appetite for anything besides one another.





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